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At the Beginning of a Journey

The ultimate test of faith is to have a clear vision about something truly new in the world. That which is fundamentally new cannot be proven without action. It has to be attempted. After it has been attempted, then it has been proven. Then it has become obvious. Then everyone follows and pretends it was there all along. But to be the first-mover is to stare into an abyss of self-doubt, skepticism, and fear. Those who know how to cope with that abyss are the ones who fulfill their reason for being. Those are the ones who prosper.

I find myself in a remarkable situation; about to do something entirely new, something which has ever been done before, and the most remarkable part is that I am ready.

This is a vision which has already been show to a few fearless leaders who are open-minded enough to step outside of conventional wisdom, to connect to higher-level truths and to see with imagination and intuition.

I am at the beginning of a journey and I am searching for the right people to join me. If you are curious, then let me tell you about our amazing destination. I'll show you the exact road map, we will find our way together, and others will surely follow.

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